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The Jana Kramer Collection

Annelise Richards

Jana Kramer is many things. Country star, talented actress, and mother of 1 (soon to be 2). She can also add fashion line owner to that title before too long, as she’s gearing up to release her collaboration with lifestyle blog and clothing retail company, Royal & Reese, titled simply, “The Jana Kramer Collection”.

This collection features a number of “mommy and me”-style clothing sets with both matching outfits for mothers and their young children. The line also features a number of versatile fashion staples such as cardigans, rompers, and dresses. The line is unique in its simplicity, likening itself to Jana’s personal style of straightforward fabrics that say business at one look, and comfort at the next. It’s a perfect blend of professional mom-ism that isn't usually seen in most lines of its kind. The versatility of the brand only speaks even more on Kramer’s behalf; as if balancing an acting career, a singing career, and motherhood are these effortless tasks that require little work. The line expresses versatility and grace in the same breath, all while keeping a low-key appearance and a smooth finish.

An interesting thing to find that's fairly unusual in celebrity fashion lines is affordability, and though Kramer’s line isn't Forever 21 cheap, it comes off as relatively fair. She knows the value of her clothing, but isn't about to charge it to the point where only the elite of those in the parenthood club can enjoy it. The price ranges anywhere from $30 to $80, and covers the four biggest necessities in anyone’s closet: cardigans, shirts, leggings, and dresses. Jana Kramer also has taken into consideration of the growth of kids, and provides options all the way from newborn to high school-aged children. This is especially important because the styles she’s selected are meticulously picked to be the type of clothing to grow with a child. Each romper or T-shirt is in a timeless style that's appropriate for any age, which is nice, considering how picky kids can be.

Jana’s line is currently active on and features roughly twenty core styles that range from newborn to motherhood, and it is truly a memorable addition to the world of celebrity fashion lines.

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